Where to Find Your Authentic Self

Your Emotions Provide a Roadmap to Your Sense of Self

Did you know that often when we feel emotions our true self is trying to communicate with us, perhaps providing clues or breadcrumbs that lead us back to who we truly are?

Do you feel like who you are has been buried under emotional distress or trauma?

When faced with traumatic events or emotional distress sometimes our true self decides its not safe to show our emotional authenticity (or as we often to refer to it vulnerability) so it creates a modified version of itself to protect you from danger. At that moment that true part of you becomes stuck in time waiting for you to return someday while your modified self moves on.

The only way that true self can communicate with you is through emotion. If you ever felt anxiety or sadness or been moved to tears and you are not clear why, this could be communication from that part of your self left behind stuck in trauma or distress.

We have to find and clearly see your true self and explore any associated feelings and understand the emotions being sent to you from this part of self. Sometimes emotional distress can manifest as a result of feeling empty or like something is missing inside your self.

Our work together is to find and heal that part of self. Let’s partner to explore your path and the emotions associated with finding and creating your best sense of self.

My Qualifications.

Over 25 years of mental health experience working with adults.

  • Graduate of USC School of Social Work with Concentration in Mental Health (MSW)

  • Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW)

    Certificates of Completion:

  • Emotionally Focused Individual Therapy Levels 1 and 2

  • Emotionally Focused Individual Therapy Specific to Trauma

  • Emotionally Focused Individual Therapy For Grief & Loss

Let’s Get Started Today.