Help with Emotions

A Deeper Look at Your Emotional Health

I'm passionate about helping clients identify and work through difficult emotions in order to come out the other side whole and emotionally healthy.

I believe depression; anxiety and trauma symptoms build and grow from either unacknowledged or unprocessed emotions.

We all suppress unpleasant or psychologically harmful emotions when we go into fight, flight, or survival mode or experience an overwhelming loss.

This works for us until we feel “stuck” or it begins to take away or impede access to someone or something we desire.

My work is to help you get out your feelings, learn healthy ways to express emotions, and how to deal with emotional pain by ordering it into manageable pieces so that we can give your inner self strength, voice and empowerment.

This is necessary to live an emotionally whole life where you learn how to deal with emotions in a healthy way and step into your future decisions and relationships with confidence and a positive sense of self.

What I Offer You

Over the course of my practice I’ve had several clients who had trouble accessing their emotions or numbed out for so long they couldn't feel positive emotions like joy, or even love.

I have also had clients come to me with tears flowing within the first 15 minutes of our first session. This range of being numb to being in full access of emotion is the human experience and we all fall on this spectrum.

As we unpack the triggers that fuel your emotional experiences or need to numb, I raise awareness and draw connections in a way that orders your life experiences so that they makes sense to you on a deeper level.

Then together we process those experiences to build emotional strength and tolerance.

Lasting Change: Dealing with your Feelings and Emotions

Nothing makes me happier than when my clients have their “AHA” moment.

I love to help my clients reconnect with their inner self emotionally, understand what makes them feel the way they do, and get to the heart of what fuels their anxiety, depression or relationship problems.

I always say, “There is a person inside that diagnosis.” I believe true mental health is resolving the core issues and not just treating the symptoms.

I also believe human connection is vital in good therapy practice. My “A.R.E.” style (Attentive, Responsive & Engaged) will allow you to feel safe taking a journey of self discovery with me as your passenger.

Together we will navigate through alien or unprocessed emotions on our way to emotional and psychological well being.

I want to help you build a nurturing relationship with your inner self that…

1) expands your emotional range

2) allows you to move through trauma, anxiety, loss or sadness

3) builds healthy and secure connections with others.

Let’s Get Started Today.